Why I decide to stop overthinking and so should you

Atika Rahmawati Yuliantoputri
3 min readJun 13, 2019


Photo by Linh Nguyen on Unsplash

“No amount of guilt can solve the past. No amount of anxiety can change the future. Move on.”

The quote has a powerful impact on me. I quoted this amazing phrase from motivation_mondays on Instagram. The moment I see this, right after the day that full of me working on my thesis, I feel energized, thankful, and have full sense of relief.

The quotes remind me of the story of a woodman, by Ibnu Basyar (the author of “Menjadi Bijak & Bijaksana”; translated to the Indonesian language), a story about a man who worries so much about his fate since the king of the land decides to execute him. The woodman has done his work with his very best, yet the king still decides to do so. He gets so anxious all night until his wife asks him to just sleep just like other nights, don’t worry about it; since in life, there are many things that can’t be controlled even though we have tried our best.

We have tried our best, and for the rest.. we shall let things happen the way they fated to be.

The story may sound like an exaggeration, but the message is clear. We, humans (especially I myself) often waste time focusing on regrets that can’t be re-done, and anxiety that doesn’t come near to any solution, on the contrary, make the problem become worse. It usually happens when things we worked for didn’t go the way we expected it to be, the worse part, maybe it was because of our own mistakes.

I personally am an overthinker. I overthink things and sometimes it makes my life become harder than it should be and maybe some of you have the same case as me.

Nah, no. I realize the mistakes we did aren’t for regret, sorrow, but more like for our own evaluation to grow. As for the anxiety, I keep reminding myself that whatever going to happen, let’s just slay it all, since it’s going to happen anyway. How about it?

The last thing, I want to ask myself is, ask you, who tend to overthink, let’s stop worrying too much. Life is more than this. Life is more than just reaching our goals. Life is full of uncontrollable factors. Life is full of surprises. Life is full of problems, yet life is full of things that should be embraced with huge gratefulness.

I write this with grateful feelings, I hope it can make your day a bit better too. Don’t worry, I have many problems too just like you and all people around the world, I’m just putting them on my back as they’re waiting for me to be solved after done writing this, you’re not alone :)

Regret and anxiety won’t solve anything, so let’s just slay our problems and grow together! Cheers, have a good <any noun>!

