This world’s unfairness: when I realize everyone has a different starting point

Atika Rahmawati Yuliantoputri
2 min readJun 15, 2019


Mr. Setu (50), credit to: @potretsemangat on Instagram

Why do we keep comparing our life with others? We do have different starting point but who knows the ending point? It’s not about the beginning, it’s about the ending. Who endures with beautiful patience will definitely win.

Indeed, we all have different starting points, let’s stop comparing, start empowering.

So today I see this post. He is Mr. Setu (50 years old), exactly the same age as my parents, yet he is very different from my parents. While my parents (thank God) walk just fine with both feet, Mr. Setu walks with both hands. My parents were born with complete organs, healthily.. unfortunately, Mr. Setu wasn’t, and we all know no one in this life has the ability to ‘request’ in what kind of situation we’ll bear into.

Mr. Setu teaches me something so powerful that I didn’t realize I need until I see his picture. He works every single day with whatever he got. I don’t know if he ever complained about his states, but he chose to do his best. Despite the difference of ‘starting point’ he got, he didn’t give up, at least until 50 years later, the present time. No, I’m not crying.

Many problems come to our life; and our surroundings. Why our friend has it easier than us? Why do their parents have a better life than ours? Why.. why.. why.. freaking unnecessary whys that we should never ask in the first place. We have different starting points, we have our own life problem cases, we have different situations, to begin with. What do we want to compare? What do we want to complain about? Oh, welcome to the world, the place where unfairness is the only constant.

But what can we do? Begging life, universe, God, to be somehow fair to us? No, it doesn’t work like that.. or is it?

So if we’re going to neglect and give up on whatever problems we’re facing now, let’s delay it for a moment and give it a thought. Mr. Setu didn’t give up on his problems, on his life, why would we?

Well.. I’m not saying his problems are harder than ours so we don’t have a right to complain or anything… but come on, we know, deep inside, that we are capable to overcome this, don’t we? :)

Let’s find strength together and overcome the journey in this life together, shall we? With Mr. Setu, too, of course!

P.S Through this writing I hope it can somehow does some magic for more and more blessings in Mr. Setu’s life.

