Being happy as a skill set

Atika Rahmawati Yuliantoputri
3 min readJun 1, 2019


book; one of many sources of my simple happiness

How is everyone doing? Life is hard? So do I, and others too.. but it is fine, this too shall pass. I hope you can survive your problems and so do I.

In this writing, I want to share about the cliche thing; being happy.

Have you ever read the book “Happiness, 5 Keys to Create a Happy Life” by Kamala Adhya? The book is really simple.. short.. yet so very well written. I finished it by the time it’s my turn to pay my things in cashier this evening.

The book basically tells something we already knew, with some highlight on important things to remind us how important it is to be happy, start with defining our own happiness.

I realize that everyone has their own timeline, and it can be so freaking different yet we ‘love’ to compare, compare, and compare.. including me.

For me maybe I can be happy when I finally finish my master thesis, or maybe for another girl, she can be happy when she finally finds her soulmate.. and more.

We have a different kind of being happy, don’t take others’ measurements as ours. Decide yours.

Yet… the fault in this mindset is, we take being happy as our final goal, meanwhile, it’s supposedly the opposite.

Being happy is a state where we ‘decide to feel’. If we make it as a final goal, just imagine. Do I have to finish my thesis first before I feel happy? Does she have to find her soulmate before she finally feels happy? What if.. what if, I don’t graduate till the end? What if she ends up being alone throughout her life?

Being happy is a state. Whatever we’re doing, we can decide to be happy. Problems exist so that we can find good things in our life. Just be happy, tears and laughter are what make us human, this too shall pass, dear.

That’s why we have to develop this special skill.. programming skill is ordinary, public speaking skill is common.. being happy skill? It doesn’t take high education, but it has similarities with other skills. To master the skill of being happy, we need lots, lots, lots of practice.

How? Try to find the good in bad events. Try to find a laugh in the ocean of tears. Try to find a good trait in a bad person. Try to be inspired rather than envious. Try to accept the challenge and find the purpose instead of complaining and regretting it. Try to stop thinking this isn’t how our life is supposed to be. Try to realize that today is another start for my life, it may contain another bad event, but it’s still can be a good day if you decide to feel so.

In the end, I want to encourage all of you to be happier. I myself get sad pretty often, but I do know that no one has the responsibility to make me happy, even my parents. I’m the one who is in charge to make myself happy. Bad things happen for reasons, good things happen for reasons. I believe in myself, I believe in you. Let’s start today with good hope, and end the day with grateful relief.

Thank you so much. Have a good day, you’re cool!

